“Nobody should be bashful or embarrassed about admitting that they’re facing mental health problems”
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Welcome to the CMHG
The Conservative Mental Health Group (CMHG) is an independent forum that aims to promote and represent mental health problems within the UK Conservative Party. Through our work, we facilitate a stronger understanding of the causes and impact of mental health problems, alongside promoting the effectiveness of political policies that aim to support people’s mental health.
People from all walks of life can suffer with their mental health, a point made even more prevalent by the hardship of the coronavirus pandemic. A shocking one in four people in England suffers from challenges with their mental health each year. Whilst across a lifetime, one in five people experience suicidal thoughts. Finding solutions to the causes and impact of mental health problems is not only the right thing to do, but the key to a healthier and freer society.
Being made up of members of the UK Conservative Party who promote solutions to mental health problems, the CMHG creates a link between the Conservative Party and the UK’s wider mental health community.