
Become a CMHG member

Our members are key to our success. With the insight and commitment of CMHG members reinforcing our work and ensuring we achieve our mission. Thank you to all our members for your support and dedication.

Why become a CMHG member:

  • Events: Attend exclusive events for CMHG members held throughout the year.
  • Join the CMHG team: Become a CMHG volunteer or committee member, directly engaging in CMHG work and organising events.
  • Networking: We hold regular networking events attended by other CMHG members, elected officials and members of the UK mental health community. This allows members to gain new contacts with campaigners committed to overcoming the causes and impact of mental health problems.
  • Newsletter: Receive our quarterly newsletter outlining the CMHG’s work, upcoming events and updates on UK policy developments on mental health.
  • Party Conference: The CMHG intends to hold fringe events at the Conservative Party conference, alongside other regional conferences and events, including the Conservative Spring Conference.
  • Policy Discussion: Engage in online and in-person policy discussion that helps form CMHG policy and campaigns.

Anyone can become a member of the CMHG for only £10 a year. This yearly membership fee goes towards running CMHG events and administrative costs, with the remaining funds aiding CMHG campaigns and supporting campaign events for Conservative candidates that adhere to our mission of tackling the causes and impact of mental health problems. All remaining funds go towards further strengthening our service over the coming years.

Mental health problems are everyone’s problem

Former Prime Minister Theresa May

If you would like to become a CMHG member, please fill out the form below.